Consistency in Coding...
Are you consistent in coding ?? most of the time people do coding and at the end of the day they figure out 80% of their time they waste in searching and googling in spite of working on code, its a very causal thing that happens with coders but the problem is if you are doing coding and learning to code then how much time should you utilized in a day to become consistent in it
well Let’s Do it, so I am basically made 7 days to do list for coding time
Monday/Tuesday /Wednesday: 6 AM-9 AM ->>at least solve 5 coding problems on hackerrank,
2 PM -5 PM ->>make a small application on your own
this will you utilized 6hours in coding and you do not lose your productivity and consistency
Thursday/Friday/Saturday: 6 AM- 10 AM ->>Learn whatever you want and apply it, for eg: I will learn Django form
2 PM- 4 PM->>solve coding problems
this is how you can be consistent in coding to learn
If you are new to coding you may follow this and make a timetable for yourself and code in that time make projects and on Sunday you may take a rest, have fun with reading books like atomic habits, The 10X rule and so on
Initially, you can target it for 6 hours and then you can increase it to 8–9 hr in a day as per your convenience
that's will also help you to be consistent in coding and at the same time you would feel boring
sometimes it happens you could not able to follow your time table that time just relax and do another task and at the end of the day if you have some time remaining then do that work
this also helps you to make proper track of your daily To-Do List and increase your productivity
I hope you find this blog helpful and let me know in the comment your experience to become consistent in your field
and remember being consistent does not mean you should utilize most of your time on one thing every day it means you should able to do that thing to get imbibe that thing in your daily life, as we did not forget to take a bath every day this activity is a part of our daily life and if you wish to code also then be consistent till it gets into your daily life