Do we really need to Memories code?
hello all
today I was doing coding and suddenly I realized that not all the functions and features I remember most of the times I have to google for syntax, does this same happened with you all?

well, I feel like if I am not able to memorize the syntax or a function which I wanted to use it's not coming out from me does it means I am dumb or what?
If this happens to you also then I think it's normal to look at google while coding
I think most of the developers does this and this is how they make projects
actually, developers don’t like to start a project from starting they always first clone the repository which they are looking for and start pushing it to GitHub, even I am as a developer do the same thing, and this normal, it's all about your productivity because you know what to do with a tread of code and where it is going to use, right
If I breakdown the process of developing the think is tobe
1.WHAT you have to do?
2. HOW you can make this?
3.WHICH all technologies you needed?
4.WHERE you are going to place the code? or Hosting or Publishing?
so I think the active learning we used in the developing process despite consuming the theory we create things more and that's how developers do their work, they go to StackOverflow, CodeChef chats to get to fix the error
Not just googling things does works developers also look at the documentation of a particular framework and language all they need is to know those functions
right now I am feeling good to be googled the code because not all the things are important for us to memorize what you guys are thinking about it I would love to know your feedback