Ubuntu Ubuntu Ubuntu….
today I wanted to tell you how Ubuntu named Ubuntu?
why Ubuntu is the best to name for Open Source Linux based OS
WHAT Ubuntu Means?? What it's exactly mean?
so Here we go,
Its all starts from south africa, yes when I hear South Africa the only one man come to my eyes who is none other than the great human Nelson Mandela
well Ubuntu its an African world and there is a very nice story behind this name which is started around the 19th century maybe
some couple of scientist came to South Africa to visit a group of people that the community basically called “ZULU”
they thought we should do one experiment on this particular community
so they decide we will allow children to do this task and then we will observe
they told those children's that we will give you nice food to get this good food you people have to participate in a race the first comer will get all of this foodstuff the only thing is they have to touch the food first and the first one will get all of that
and then they said ready steady GO...
but guess what happened, who would come first?
None of the children come first and neither last
children decide that we all want food and everyone should get all the food so we will touch the food at the same time they did not run over there the just walk toward the food and everybody touch it at the same time and start yelling “Ubuntu Ubuntu Ubuntu”
This example of humanity was incredible scientist realized that no matter how bad the environment is if we want what we need then instate of fighting within the community we should help each other
we should stand for ourself as a one community
After that this incident people loved this word Ubuntu which means I am what I am because we all are for all
That exactly Ubuntu Open Source means
Ubuntu create by all for all its a community which makes The Ubuntu OS for all
So I Learn that from this story we should not be selfish because when we share something with all that's the real happiness is in the Life
I also feel great that I am using Ubuntu and also tie with an Open Source community
and I think there never would be the best name for the Open Source OS than Ubuntu
so What is Ubuntu??
we all for all
and I got this information about this story from a Marathi National award Wining film “Ubuntu” in this movie there are some children who fought to get an education for all children in their village
Let me know your reactions after reading this blog and share this Ubuntu story with your all for all